SSP Payment Plan

We are happy to be able to offer an interest free payment plan to participants in our Safe and Sound Protocols programs. 

To offset the cost of administering payment plans, we charge a processing fee of $30. Please read the following payment plan terms and if you agree to these terms complete this agreement form as applicable, sign and date where indicated and return to us.

Program Fee: In return for your participation in the program you agree to pay Focusing Australia the Program fee, plus any payment plan administration fee, in accordance with the payment option chosen by you in clause 2 below.

Payment Plan Options:

Payment plans are payable weekly or fortnightly in 3 instalments of $260, with the first payment paid before first session and the final received no later than 6 weeks after first SSP session. 

Payment Details:

Bank: Bendigo Bank
Account Name: Focusing Australia
BSB: 633-000
Account: 135 129 898

To please complete the form below to confirm your arrangement: