Focusing Australia
Focusing opens up a new way of understanding where we feel stuck or challenged and offers us fresh solutions.
If we try to understand a problem from the place where we have always known it, the very formulating of the problem, often carries the problem within it. So for real change to take place we need to find another place to know from… Focusing gives us this, the opportunity of a new way of knowing ourselves, from a deeper embodied place.
Focusing is a process for change that really works, that you can learn, that you can have with you every day of your life. It’s experiential, respectful of your strength, body-based and here-and-now oriented, so you are grounded in reality and every stage is “checkable” with your actual experience.
Focusing starts with pausing. This kind of pausing has a “letting go” in it – letting go of the usual thoughts we have about the problem. If the formulation of the problem is part of the problem, we need to let it go for a while, or hold it very loosely.
Then we sense freshly, using the body, inviting and waiting for an unclear felt sense of the whole thing. The felt sense is naturally unclear at first... because it isn’t the already formed concepts we have about the problem. It’s a fresh wholistic knowing that comes from the implying itself. At this point, when the felt sense forms, the problem is closer to being solved than it ever was before. In fact, because we’ve moved to another level, the problem is essentially solved. The solution just needs time to play out in the real world.
Focusing is the ideal practice for people who want to live more creatively and with a sense of bodily ease.
Learning to Focus brings relief to the whole body.
learn to focus
focusing pathways
Are you wanting to resolve what's in the way of your own growth and the life you know is possible?
You CAN be the one in charge of your change process… and your change process can build on your own resources, help you be stronger, calmer, have a more creative life.
Wouldn't it be great to have a respectful, body-based process for change that really works, that YOU can learn, that YOU can have with you every day of your life, for yourself, for family and friends? You can.
Focusing is a powerful and natural process for positive life change.
We’ve been offering Focusing Training Programs since 2008. These programs were created to help people who felt stuck in their lives, who are struggling with procrastination and finding it hard to move forward. Our courses offer support for people who are sinking under low self-esteem and severe inner criticism, having a hard time feeling grounded and making confident decisions, and most of all longing to live the fulfilling lives they know they could live but never quite getting there.
I have seen hundreds of people's lives improved by taking these courses including my own.
The Focusing Foundational Training Program is designed to give you Focusing for the rest of your life, and consists of two courses: Focusing Foundations and Focusing Connections.
Each Course includes:
Nine two-and-a-half-hour meetings for a total of 22. 5 hours of class time.
A manual, exercise sheets and handouts.
Email and/or phone support from the teacher and the class assistants if you have questions between the class meetings or need extra help.
If taken online:
Access to recordings of every class as mp3 downloads up to 30 days after the end of the class, so you'll be able to listen again to anything you want to hear twice – or over and over again.
A "seating chart" with photos of the teacher, the assistants, and your fellow students so you can connect names with faces.
Foundation One is the prerequisite for Foundation Two.
What is focusing?
Learn more about the focusing pathways
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Group practice sessions
These online gatherings are called Changes Groups. They offer a space for Focusers to meet other Focusers and explore the practice of Focusing together.
We have new groups beginning in 2023.